Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park lies immediately North West of Mt. Kilimanjaro, on the border with Tanzania. Its wealth of flora and fauna has resulted in the recent designation as an International Bio-sphere Reserve. Amboseli, meaning "Salty Dust" in the Masai language is an important rangeland for the Masai culture whilst the 'salty dust' itself is volcanic ash from the eruptions of the Mount Kilimanjaro a millennium ago.

Amboseli Elephant Herd crossing a road

The Amboseli National Park ecosystem is typical of the open savannah grassland habitats of Eastern Africa, featuring open wooded grasslands, rolling hills and swamplands whilst the presence of Mount Kilimanjaro creates a unique selection of ecosystems found nowhere else on earth. The Amboseli basin is fed by springs that provide a permanent source of water during the dry season, while the river systems north of the basin form a seasonal flood plain that is used by migratory animals during the rainy seasons. Although the region has a relatively low wildlife biomass it supports a greater variety of animals than neighboring Tsavo which is fifty times bigger than the compact but comprehensive Amboseli.

Over 53 species of herbivores and carnivores can be viewed with ease in Amboseli National Park, the most conspicuous being the troops of over one thousand elephant who range the plains and wallow the swamps. A number of other unique animals also populate the area including lion, cheetah, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, rhino, wildebeest, gerenuks, impalas,
gazelles, hyenas, baboons, bats and about 425 different species of birds

Destination Mombasa - Kenya,

Mombasa Office

Guptas Complex
Mombasa-Malindi Road
p.o box 41063-80100
Mombasa - Kenya, East Africa.

Mobile/Cell +254 771333724, +254 739702644
Hotline no. + 254 735 105 069




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Onestone Entertainment
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Min and Dave 
United Kingdom